Signup to be featured on our website!


Google Form

The Generator is all about supporting our awesome artists! We are offering the opportunity to all our Genny Members to be featured on our website under a new ‘Meet the Members’ page.

Members can opt into this by filling out a short google form that will ask for:

  • Your preferred display name

  • A link to your website or social media(or an email address if you would prefer that!)

  • A picture or yourself or your art to accompany the link

  • Short (2-3 sentences) bio or

  • Permission to post your picture and link to our public website

To celebrate our members and their creative work, we are putting together this page for members of the community can see who is involved in the space and connect them to the members preferred platform, whether that’s a website, Instagram, Facebook or even just an email address! This will allow others to connect with you, see your work and make new connections.

If a member linked on our site would like to be taken off this page, change their picture, link or bio, they can request at any time at the front desk or by emailing with the updated info, computers available around the space. Members can also stop by the front desk during open hours Tuesday-Saturday 12pm-9pm.
If membership is canceled or terminated they will be removed from the website. If membership is reinstated, members will have to fill out the Google form again to opt into the ‘Meet the Generator Members’ again.

Fill out the Google Form to be featured on our site when the page goes live.

Generator Staff